Under the enclosed law and appointment of council you or any two of you will meet on the 1st day of December next at Miller’s spring in the county of Cumberland, and thence proceed, “to survey and lay out (or mark) a State highway in as direct and straight a manner as the circumstances of the country and situation of the ground will admit, to Pittsburg in the country of Westmoreland which Highway shall throughout the whole length of the same (except in the town of Bedford) be of the breadth of 60 feet,” and from time to time transmit a report of your proceedings with a draft of your road as far as you have carried it, to this Board, particularly nothing “the more rugged and least habitable parts of the Country” thro’ which you proceed, by announcing the name of the Township or such other distinction, as will best enable Council to comply with the wishes of the House in directing the future labor and expence of Government upon it.
In executing this trust, it will be necessary to employ a Surveyor Chain carrier and other assistants. Council rely upon your getting these on the best possible terms for the State, and that more will not be engaged than will be necessary to the accuracy and dispatch with which it is expected you will perform this business.