From Herman Heyman’s Sons (unpublished)
Bremen the 24 March 1783

We are under great Obligation to your Excelency to honour us with an answer on our Letter by your Excelency much esteemed favor of the 10th    by which we perceive with great Satisfaction that our new establishing House in Nord America may expect the best reception there, and that no Recommandation to the Government to Protect it, is necessary. We find us however much Obliged and indebted to your Excelency, for the Kindness you have for us, to favour us with two Letters of Introduction, one for Boston and the other for Philadelphia, and we have no doubt or they will be of the greatest Influence and Assistance to our Mr. A Deluis;   our Vessell departed two Days before the reception of your Excelencys Esteemed Letter    forwarded them by way of London and Send Coppy by way of France and Hamburg and took the Liberty to address them to Rd Bache Esqr. at Philadelphia.

One of our Vessells Call’d Batavia, on which master John Huesman of 25 tuns, which lays now at Bordeaux is going for our account Empty to Charlestown, he takes ready money on board and has Orders to purchase a Cargo of rice and to bring it to our Port; it will depart in about 3 Weeks time from Bordeaux, in case your Excelency should leave any commands or some things to send along with it, you please to address such to Mess Boyer Met    & Zimmerman, and we have given to these Gentlemen as likewise to our Captain by this Mail the Necessary Instructions, to be at your Excelencys Commands.

We wish nothing more then that your Excelency would resolve to pay a Visit to this part: when we should endeavour to Convince you of the high Esteem which we bear for your Excelency, and to be of some service to you, if however you should find such likewise at any other occasions, we beg to command us freely, as we shall think us happy to be to some Use to your Excelency, and to give you a proof of our most Sincere Attatchment; with which we have the Honour to Remain and to Subscribe ourself with utmost regard Sir Your most Obedient humble Servants

Herman Heymans Sons

To His Excelency B. Francklin Esqr,
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