Verses from A Pocket Almanack
Printed in A Pocket Almanack For the Year 1744. Fitted to the Use of Pennsylvania, and the neighbouring Provinces. ... By R. Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. (Yale University Library)

War begets Poverty,

Poverty Peace;

Peace makes Riches flow,

(Fate ne’er doth cease.)

Riches produce Pride,

Pride is War’s Ground;

War begets Poverty, &c.

The World goes round.
Rules for computing Expence.

Compute the Pence but of One Day’s Expence;

So many Pounds, Angels, Groats and Pence,

Are spent in one whole Year’s Circumference. Or,

One Week’s Expence in Farthings, makes appear

The Shill. & Pence expended in a Year.

Virtue was reckon’d the chief Thing of Old;

Now lies all Merit in Silver and Gold:

Virtue has lost its Regard in these Times,

While Money, like Charity, covers all Crimes.

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