From David Hartley
als: American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress
October 11 1779
My Dear friend

I send you a copy of a letter wch I writ to you on the 29th of June last. I presume that you have received the original, but not being quite sure of this I take another chance by sending you a copy. The Subject being peace, wch I know to be equally near to your heart as it is to mine, I am willing that you & I shd keep our reckoning together, that we may now & then take an observation, of the latitude & longitude of the Politicks of nations, thereby keeping a constant watch for any opportunity of approximating to Peace. I speak to you as to a Philosopher and a Philanthropist; for the principles of Philanthropy are the only true principles to steer by. Politicians may be wise men in their generation, but the Philanthropists will consider the policies of States & Statesmen, as the subordinate instruments of attaining the ends of general Philanthropy. Whether the State of things may appear promising or otherwise, in any particular period, or point of view, yet the final object is constantly the same; The labour is but little to keep a constant & attentive watch, and the Pearl is of great price. I think that a little of the Gothic rage for war is worn off among the Nations of Europe, & therefore I live in some degree of hope that opportunities may occur of forwarding the blessed work of Peace. At all events be assured of this on my part, that if any such opportunity shd occur within the circumscribed sphere of my abilities to forward it, that I shall not be found asleep.

The practicability of striking out acceptable terms of peace to all parties, does certainly from time to time lye at the Mercy of Events, therefore no man can answer for tomorrow, but at this day & hour I think the principles of the enclosed letter (wch was originally writ on the 29th of June last) do still remain in force, upon every ground of humanity reason & justice, therefore if I were to write a volume I cd add nothing new. You will ever find me the sincere and strenuous advocate for peace and ever Most affectionately yours


To Dr. Franklin
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