From Josiah Harmar (unpublished)
Camp at Post Vincennes, August 7th: 1787.

I have the honor to Enclose to your Excellency and the honorable the Council a return of the Pennsylvania troops in the Service of the United States dated this day.

Captain Finney having written to me that it is his wish to retire from Service, there will consequently be a Vacancy for an Ensign. I therefore beg Leave to recommend to your Excellency and the honorable Council Mr. Robert Thompson (a Son of the Late General Thompson’s) to fill the same. I have the honor to be with the highest esteem and respect Your Excellency’s and The honorable Council’s most honorable and obedient Servant

Jos. Harmar
Lt: Col. Comr. 1st US Reg.
His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqr. President and The honble: The Supreme Executive Council Pennsylvania
Addressed: His Excellency / Benjamin Franklin Esqr / President / and / The honble: the Supreme Executive / Council / Pennselvania / To the care of Mr. / Beo. Thompson / Pittsburg
Endorsed: General Harmar Letter Read Novr. 21st. 1787 inclosing a Return of the Troops
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