You may remember, that two or three Years ago, I communicated to you a Claim I had upon the State of Virginia, on Account of a Purchase it had made of some Types and other Printing Materials belonging to me at the Beginning of the Troubles; The Value could not at that Time be ascertained, Mr. Bache, my Attorney, being unacquainted with it; and my Papers and Accounts being lost and destroyed during the late Confusions I have now no Means of discovering what the Quantity was of the Types and what they cost me; I only remember that there was a Fount of Law-Character for which I paid £30 Sterling and a large Fount of Greek which I think was valued at about £40 Sterling besides a very considerable Fount of Long-Primer, the Weight of which I forget, but suppose it might be about £500 which at 1/6 per £ amounted to £37 10/ Sterling. There were also some Cases and Presses and other Things of which I cannot speak particularly. You were so kind as to offer me your Assistance in procuring from the Government some Satisfaction for this Claim. I now take the Liberty to request that you would endeavour it as soon as possible, as I wish to have all my Affairs settled before my Departure. The Law-Fount and the Greek were probably of no Use to the Government, and I should be willing to take them back if they still exist, and are entire. I suppose that the Value of Goods at that Time will be considered, as well as the Length of Time during which the Payment has been delayed. I submit the Whole to the Honour and Equity of the Government, and shall be thankful for what they will be pleased to allow me. My best Wishes attend you, being ever My Dear Friend, Your’s most affectionately