From Silas Deane (unpublished)
London Novr: 7th: 1783

I took the Liberty a few Days since To write You on the subject of certain reports lately propagated to my disadvantage, I hope that the Letter came safe to Your hands, and I have only to add, that I have both before, and since my writing, improved every Opportunity, in my power, To serve the Commerce of Our Country, particularly to have the restraint, on Our West India Trade taken off; but my acquaintance, and influence do not extend, beyond a small private Circle, though what I have said, and wrote on that subject, may possibly have reached Farther, I believe it has, and have some reason to hope, that those and some other restraints, will be removed, or moderated, whither they are, or not, I have done my duty, as a private Volunteer, in the service. I have wrote a long Letter to Mr. Barclay, and one to Col. Wadsworth on the subject of my Accts., and hope that what I have said, and the documents which I have Transmitted, will facilitate a Settlement for which I am extremely impatient. I propose to send Mr. Sebor to Paris, if I can have any prospect of closing by that means my Accts. I have the honor To be with much respect Your most Obedient and Very humble Servant

S Deane

p.s. I have taken the Liberty to enclose my Letter To Col. Wadsworth to Your Care My Compliments To Your Grandson Mr W T Franklin.
His Excelly. Benja: Franklin Esqr.
Addressed: His Excelly. / Benjn Franklin Esqr. / Minister Plenipoty. for the United / States of America in France
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