From William Petty, Marquis of Lansdowne (unpublished)
London 26th. Janry 1786
Dear Sir

Mr. Ansley a Gentleman of very respectable Family Connections and Character is sent by the Board appointed to investigate the Claims of the American Loyalists to America. I am interested in regard to this Board as It was Instituted while I was at the Treasury, and shall always feel very deeply so in whatever regard the Treaty of Peace, which it so much concerns the honour of both Countries and their future Intercourse to have duly and Faithfully executed. Tho’ out of office I beg to recommend Mr. Anslie to your best Services throughout the different Affaires. I shall likewise be much oblig’d by my personal civilities which you are so good to shew him.

I rejoice among the rest of your Friends to hear of your safety in America, and hope to hear that you do not suffer much by your troublesome Inmate. I am with great Esteem and Regard Dear Sir Your Faithful Humble Servant


Endorsed: Marquis of Lansdown Jany. 1786
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