From Johann Rodolphe Valltravers (unpublished)
Vienna, Decr. 30th. 1782.
Much honored Sir!

Having nothing particular to add to my two last Letters of Octr. 2d. and the 24th. instant, this is only to serve as an Introduction to the Bearer, Monsr. de Kampel, mentioned in my last; with my sincerest Expressions at this annual Revolution of every Wish for your precious Preservation, Health and Happiness, which your exalted Merits so justly entitle you to; not only from my poor insignificant self, but from every Wellwisher to the Liberties of Mankind, And to the Extension of usefull Knowledge, Arts, and Industry.

I need not repeat my Recommendations in Behalf of Mr. Kampel. His great Ingenuity pleads far better for him to Your Excellency than any thing I could say in his Favour.

If I have not the Honor of presenting him in Person, it is not for Want of Inclination. But, who knows if some unforseen Event may not crown at last my never ceasing ambition of promoting in my humble sphere some of your further beneficent labors; and of giving You convincing Proofs of my everlasting Veneration and Gratitude

Rodh. Valltravers.

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