Marginalia in Protests of the Lords against Repeal of the Stamp Act: (I)
ms notations in the margins of a copy of Protest against the Bill To repeal the American Stamp Act, of Last Session. A Paris, Chez J. W. Imprimeur, Rue du Colombier Fauxbourg St. Germain, à l’Hotel de Saxe. 1766, in the collections of the New York Public Library.
[bf, at the top of the titlepage, partly lost by trimming:] Mean by a thorough Disquisition of the Point to procure a Settlement of Rights. [bf, on p. 2, where are printed lists of speakers against and for repeal:] General Sent.   We have submitted to your Laws, no Proof of our acknowledging your Power to make them. Rather an Acknowledgment of their Reasonableness or of our own Weakness.   Post Office came as a Matter of Utility. Was aided by the Legislatures. Mean to take Advantage of our Ignorance. Children should not be impos’d on: Are not, even by honest Shopkeepers. A great and mag. Nation should disdain to govern by Tricks and Traps, that would disgrace a petty fogging Attorney.   Settlement of the Colonies stated. Parlt. not consulted. Not taken Notice of for 40 Years. had no Participation not till after Restoration, except by Rebel Parlt.   [Several lines illegible] at least can grant no greater Power than he had himself. [bf, at the top of p. 3:] Die Mercurii 11th Martii, 1766.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill, entituled, An Act to repeal an act made in the last session of parliament, entituled, An Act for granting and applying certain stamp duties and other duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America,...Then the said Bill was read a second Time, and it being proposed to commit the Bill, the same was objected to. After a long Debate thereupon, the Question was put, Whether the said Bill shall be committed: It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Contents 73
Proxies 32 105
Not Contents 61
Proxies 10 71
Majority 34
[bf:] Comp[limen]t the Lords. Not a wiser or better Body of Men on Earth. The deep Respect imprest on me by the Instance I have been witness to of their Justice. They have been mislead by misinformation. Proof of my Opinion of their Goodness is the Freedom with which I purpose to examine their Protests.

Because, as this House has in this Session by several resolutions most solemnly asserted and declared, first, “That the King’s Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled, had, hath, and of right ought to have,

[bf: Neg.]

full power and authority, to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the Colonies, and people of America, subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever:

[bf: Neg.]

Secondly, “That tumults and insurrections of the most dangerous nature have been raised and carried on in several of the North American Colonies, in open defiance of the power and dignity of his Majesty’s Government,

[bf: Neg.]

and in manifest violation of the laws and legislative authority of this Kingdom:” Thirdly, “That the said tumults and insurrections have been encouraged and inflamed, by sundry votes and resolutions passed in several of the Assemblies of the said Provinces, derogatory to the honour of his Majesty’s Government,

[bf:] Neg. All acknowledge their Subjection to his Majesty.

and destructive of the legal and constitutional dependency of the said Colonies, on the imperial Crown and Parliament of Great Britain”:

[bf: Neg.]

Which resolutions were founded on a full examination of the papers on our table, manifesting a

[bf inserts: daring]

denial of the legislative authority of the Crown and Parliament of Great Britain,

[bf:] Thrust yourselves in with the Crown in the Government. of the Colonies. [Struck out: Do your Lordships mean to call the Parliamt. imperial.]

to impose duties and taxes on our North American Colonies;

[bf: Not our, the King’s]

and a criminal resistance

[bf: Qu.]

there made to the execution of the commercial and other regulations of the Stamp Act, and of other acts of parliament: we are of opinion, that the total repealing of that law, especially while such resistance continues, would (as Governor Barnarde says is their intention) “make the authority of Great Britain contemptible hereafter:”

[bf: Not the King’s]

and that such a submission of King, Lords, and Commons, under such circumstances, in so strange and unheard of a contest, would in effect, surrender their antient, unalienable rights of supreme jurisdiction,

[bf: They have no such Rights.]

and give them exclusively to the subordinate Provincial Legislatures established by prerogative;

[bf: Glad this is acknowledg’d.]

which was never intended or thought of, and is not in the power of prerogative to bestow;

[bf:] Dispute this with the King my Lords, he has done it.

as they are inseparable from the Three Estates of the Realm assembled in Parliament.

[bf:] Quy, Agreed, within the Realm.

Because the law, which this Bill now proposes to repeal, was passed in the other House with very little opposition, and in this without one dissentient voice, during the last session of Parliament, which we presume, if it had been wholly and fundamentally wrong, could not possibly have happened; as the matter of it is so important,

[bf:] Strange that a Matter of so much Importance should be pass’d over so lightly. Wise Men happening to get wrong do not therefore think it right to continue so.

and as the intention of bringing of it in, had been communicated to the Commons by the first Commissioner of the Treasury the year before, and a resolution relating and preparatory*

*[bf:] Much has been said of this Notice given the Colonies.

to it was then agreed to in that House, without any division.†

†[bf:] Petitions not recd after made on the Part of Pensa. and other Colonies, not accepted. [bf:] All this shows how very insignificant to the Colonies is the virtual Representation that has been so much talk’d of.   A thing wholly and fundamentally wrong may easily pass when it is not opposed, when it is not considered, when it is not debated. But after the full strong Opposition given to the Repeal, after repeated long Debates upon it in both Houses, where the fullest Consideration was given to it, the most able Statesmen and Lawyers arguing the Point on both Sides; if after all this a very considerable Majority voted the Repeal, Does not this Argument of your Lordships revers’d prove the Repeal fundamentally right?

Because, if any particular parts of that law, the principle of which has been experienced and submitted to in this country, without repining,

[bf:] The Principle differs when extended to America, toto caelo.

for near a century past, had been found liable to just and reasonable objections, [these might have been altered by a bill for the purpose, and had the Commons sent the Lords such an amending bill, it would have been our duty to give it] a most serious consideration, with a warm desire of relieving our countrymen in America from any grievance or hardship;

[bf:] Applaud this. Thanks for the Acknowledgment that we are your Countrymen. We desire always to be considered as such, &c.

but with proper care to enforce their submission and obedience to the law so amended,

[bf:] This would have been wrong if the Law not well founded in Right.

and to the whole legislative authority of Great Britain, without any reserve or distinction whatsoever.

[bf:] This is encroaching on the Royal Power.

Because, it appears to us, that a most essential branch of that authority, the power of Taxation, cannot be properly, equitably or impartially exercised, if it does not extend itself to all the members of the state in proportion to their respective abilities;

[bf:] Right, but we are different States, Subject to the King.

but suffers a part to be exempt from a due share of those burthens, which the public exigencies require to be imposed upon the whole:

[bf:] If we were Parts of the State, we are not exempt from a Share of the Burthen.  Repeat on this Head all that has been done and paid by America. King’s Message, Parl[iamen]t, Grants, &c.

a partiality which is directly and manifestly repugnant to the trust reposed by the people in every legislature, and destructive of that confidence on which all government is founded.

[bf:] The Trust of Taxing America was never reposed by the People of America in the Legislature of Gr. Britain.  They had one kind of Confidence indeed in that Legislature, that it would never attempt to tax them without their Consent, the Law was destructive of that Confidence among them. No body of Men on Earth more worthy of such Confidence, i e, the Power of Taxing, &c. The Repeal shows it.

Because, the ability of our North American Colonies, to bear without inconveniency the proportion laid on them by the Stamp Act of last year, appears to us most unquestionable, for the following reasons:

[bf:] Ability to pay gives no Right to demand.

First, That the estimated produce of this Tax, amounting to sixty thousand pounds per Annum,

[bf: far too short]

if divided amongst twelve hundred thousand people (being little more than one half of the subjects of the Crown in North America) would be only one shilling per head a year; which is but a third of the wages usually paid to every labourer or manufacturer there for one day’s labour:

[bf:] Ship Money might have been easily paid. Carrying the Money out of the Province where raised to the Prejudice of their Trade.

Secondly, That it appears by the accounts that have been laid before this House from the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, that of the debt contracted by those Colonies in the last war, above £1,755,000 has already been discharged during the course of three years only, by the funds provided for that purpose in the several Provinces;

[bf:] These Accounts defective and short. Much easier to discharge being done by Paying in their Paper Bills to be Burnt, no Silver as the Stamp Act requird.

and the much greater part of the remaining incumbrance, which in the whole is about 760,000 pounds, will be paid in two years more:

[bf: A Mistake]

We must likewise observe, that the bounties and advantages given to them by Parliament in 1764 and 1765,

[bf, at the top of a page, partly lost by trimming:] the Dearness of Labour that you may obtain what you could not otherwise have. [bf:] Quy. The Principle of these Bounties. The Quantity. Why give with one hand to take away with the other?

and the duties thereby lost to Great Britain for their service, and in order to enable them the more easily to pay this Tax,

[bf:] How? Strange Policy! Lay an odious Tax and give Bounties to enable People to pay it!

must necessarily amount in a few years to a far greater sum than the produce thereof. It is also evident, that such produce being wholly appropriated to the payment of the army maintained by this Kingdom in our Colonies,

[bf:] The Stamp Revenue would necessarily have carried in Proportion. In the conquer’d Colonies. Unnecessary. Would cost as much at home. The Colonies will maintain as many as are necessary.

at the vast expence of almost a shilling in the pound land tax, annually remitted by us for their special defence and protection;

[bf:] Unnecessary. Give a Civil Govt. to Canada.

not only no money would have been actually drawn by it out of that country,

[bf:] Drawn out of different Parts.

but the ease given by it to the people of Great Britain, who are labouring under a debt of seventy millions, contracted by them to support a very dangerous war, entered into for the interest and security of those Colonies,

[bf:] The fact deny’d. State the Cause and Effect of the War. The expensive Manner of Carrying it on &c.

would have redounded to the benefit of the Colonies themselves in their own immediate safety, by contributing to deliver them from the necessary expence, which many of them have hitherto always borne, in guarding their frontiers against the savage Indians.

[bf:] true; they have always borne it, and never desir’d you to bear any Part of it.  The frontiers still as open to Inds. as ever. Troops posted at Fort William in Scotland as useful to protect Travellers from Highwaymen on Hounslow Heath.

Because, not only the right, but the expediency and necessity of the supreme legislature,

[bf:] There is yet no such Thing. It is indeed wanted and to be wish’d for. But then it should be properly qualified, by Repn.

exerting its authority to lay a general tax on our American Colonies, whenever the wants of the public make it fitting and reasonable, that all the Provinces should contribute in a proper proportion to the defence of the whole, appear to us undeniable, from these considerations: First, that every Province being separate and independent on the others, and having no Common Council

[bf:] Why do you not give them a Common Council. They pland one. You rejected it. They would have carried on the War without any Expence to you.

impowered by the constitution of the Colonies to act for all, or bind all, such a tax cannot regularly, or without infinite difficulty, be imposed upon them* at any time,

*[bf:] but they may as they did last War give voluntarily; Defend Marylanders.

even for their immediate defence or protection, by their own provincial assemblies; but requires the intervention and superintending power of the Parliament of Great Britain. Secondly, That in looking forwards to the possible contingency of a new war, a contingency perhaps not far remote, the prospect of the burthens which the gentry and people of this Kingdom must then sustain, in addition to those, which now lie so heavy upon them, is so melancholy and dreadful,

[bf:] The Colonies will contribute voluntarily. Ask ’em. Why were they not ask’d before tax’d.

that we cannot but feel it, a most indispensible duty to ease them

[bf: There’s the Rub]

as much as is possible, by a due and moderate exertion of that great right, which the constitution of this realm has vested in the Parliament,

[bf: Neg.]

to provide for the safety of all, by a proportionable charge upon all, equally and indifferently laid. We likewise apprehend, that a partial exemption of our Colonies from any exercise of this right by the British Legislature, would be thought so invidious, and so unjust

[bf: If they paid no Taxes]

to the other subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, as to alienate the hearts of these from their Countrymen residing in America,

[bf:] Great Pains has been taken to do this. The folly of it. As it will likewise necessarily alienate the Hearts of Americans.

to the great detriment of the latter, who have on many occasions received, and may again want assistance, from the generous warmth of their affection.

[bf:] England has on some Occasions received Assistance from America. Affection of America full as great, or greater.

Because, the reasons assigned in the public resolutions of the Provincial Assemblies, in the North American Colonies, for their disobeying the Stamp Act, viz. “That they are not represented in the Parliament of Great Britain,” extends to all other laws, of what nature soever,

[bf:] It is so reason’d here, not there, but in time they may be convinc’d.

which that Parliament has enacted, or shall enact, to bind them in times to come, and must (if admitted) set them absolutely free from any obedience to the power of the British Legislature;

[bf:] but not to the Power of the Crown.

we likewise observe, that in a letter to Mr. Secretary Conway, dated the 12th of October 1765; the commander in chief of his Majesty’s forces in North America has declared his opinion, “That the Question is not of the inexpediency of the Stamp Act, or of the inability of the Colonies to pay the Tax; but that it is unconstitutional and contrary to their Rights, supporting the independency of the Provinces, and not subject to the legislative power of Great Britain.” It is moreover affirmed, in a letter to Mr. Conway, dated 7th November, “That the people in general are averse to Taxes of any kind;

[bf:] Never refuse to pay Taxes laid by their own Representatives.

and that the merchants of that place think they have a right to every freedom of trade which the subjects of Great Britain now enjoy.”

[bf:] If Subjects of Great Britain, not merely Subjects of the King, Why not?

This opinion of theirs strikes directly at the Act of Navigation, and other subsequent laws, which from time to time have been made in the wise policy of that Act;

[bf:] The Policy wise with regard to foreigners. Selfish with Regd. to Colonies.

and should they ever be encouraged to procure for themselves that absolute freedom of trade, which they appear to desire, our plantations would become, not only of no benefit,

[BF: Quy.]

but in the highest degree prejudicial to the commerce and welfare of their Mother-country;

[bf:] Other Advantages of Colonies besides Commerce. Selfishness of Commercial Views.

nor is it easy to conceive a greater encouragement, than the repealing of a law opposed by them on such principles, and with so much contempt of the Sovereignty of the British Legislature.

[bf:] The Sovereignty of the Crown I understand. The Sov[ereignt]y of the British Legislature out of Britain, I do not understand.

Because, the appearance of weakness and timidity in the Government and Parliament of this kingdom, which a concession of this nature may too probably carry with it,

[bf:] Govt. and Parlt. seem here to be distinguish’d.  The Fear of being thought weak is a Timidity and Weakness of the worst Sort, as it betrays into a Persisting in Errors, that may be much more mischievous than the Appearance of Weakness. A great and Powerful State like this has no Cause for such Timidity. Acknowledging and correcting an Error, shows great Magnanimity. Small States and small Reputations [remainder lost by trimming at the bottom of the page.]

has a manifest tendency to draw on further insults, and by lessening the respect of all his Majesty’s subjects to the dignity of his Crown,

[bf:] Dignity of the Crown not concern’d in this.

and authority of his Laws,

[bf:] It was upon Laws of Parlt.

throw the whole British empire into a miserable state of confusion and anarchy, with which it seems by many symptoms to be dangerously threatned; and this is the more to be feared, as the plea of our North American Colonies, that not being represented in the Parliament of Great Britain, they ought not to pay Taxes imposed or levied upon them by the authority thereof, may by the same reasoning be extended to all persons in this Island, who do not actually vote for Members of Parliament;

[bf:] Case widely different, as has been often shown. But if wrong here, rectify it.

nor can we help apprehending, that the opinion of some countenance being given to such notions by the Legislature itself, in consenting to this Bill, for the Repeal of the Stamp Act, may greatly promote the contagion of a most dangerous doctrine, destructive to all Government,

[bf:] The Danger safely removed.

which has spread itself over all our North American Colonies, that the obedience of the subject is not due to the Laws and Legislature of the Realm, farther than he in his private judgment shall think it comformable to the ideas he has formed of a free constitution.

[bf:] The Subject in America only. America not in the Realm of England or G.B. No Man in America thinks himself exempt from the Jurisdiction of the Crown and their own Assemblies —or has any such private Judgment.

Because, we think it no effectual guard, or security against this danger, that the Parliament has declared in the resolutions of both Houses, passed during this session, and now reduced into a Bill, That such notions are ill founded; as men will always look more to deeds than words, and may therefore incline to believe, that the insurrections in our Colonies, excited by those notions, having so far proved successful, as to attain the very point, at which they aimed, the immediate repeal of the Stamp Act, without any previous submission on the part of the Colonies; the Legislature has in fact submitted to them, and has only more grievously injured its own dignity and authority, by verbally asserting that Right, which it substantially yields up to their Opposition.

[bf:] It is to be wish’d it had not asserted it, or asserted it with some Limitation as when qualified, &c.

The reasons assigned for this concession render it still more alarming, as they arise from an illegal and hostile combination of the people of America.

[bf:] Surely there is nothing illegal in People’s resolving to work for themselves. Every Man in Britain may do it.

to distress and starve our Manufacturers, and to with-hold from our Merchants the payment of their just debts:

[bf:] No such Combination to with hold the Payment of just Debts. The Ldps. are misinform’d and ought to be highly displeas’d with those who led them to give Countenance to so horrible a Calumny.

the former of which measures has only been practised in open war between two States; and the latter, we believe, not even in that situation, either by the public or by individuals, among the civilized nations of Europe, in modern times. If this unprecedented plan of intimidation shall meet with success,

[bf: No such Plan.]

it is easy to foresee, that the practice of it for other and still greater objects will frequently be renewed,

[bf:] It is pity to give such a Hint to the Colonies, that in your Ldps. Opinion, the Act was repeal’d on Intimidation.

and our manufacturers and merchants reduced to the like, and more permanent distress;

[bf:] The Merchts. may avoid Distress by not giving such extensive Credit. Hope they will. The Credit ruinous to the Colonies.

we cannot therefore but wish, that some more eligible method, consistent with their future safety and our dignity, had been taken by Parliament, to shew our tender concern and compassion for their sufferings, and to discourage any other such unwarrantable attempts;

[bf:] Query what can that be? Pride Force

which we are fully persuaded would have been very practicable, with due care and attention, and at an expence very inferior to the importance of the object.

[bf:] Charge of Troops to subdue the Colonies.  And do your Lordships really think Force and Bloodshed more eligible than rectifying an Error?

Because, we are convinced from the unanimous testimony of the Governors, and other officers of the Crown in America,

[bf:] Strange Testimony to rely on. The Nature of it.

that if, by a most unhappy delay and neglect to provide for the due execution of the law, and arming the Government there with proper orders and powers, repeatedly called for in vain,

[bf:] Governors always complain for want of Power. Paint them.

these disturbances had not been continued and encreased, they might easily have been quieted before they had attained to any dangerous height; and we cannot, without feeling the most lively sense of grief and indignation, hear arguments drawn from the progress of evils, which should and might have been stopped in their first and feeble beginnings,

              [bf: A Mistake]

used for the still greater evil of sacrificing to a present relief the highest permanent interest, and the whole Majesty, Power, and Reputation of Government: This afflicts us the more deeply, because it appears from many letters, that this law, if properly supported by Government, would from the peculiar circumstances attending the disobedience to it, execute itself without bloodshed.

[bf:] It has executed it self; that is, it has been felo de se. Observe how in some of the Colonies that there was no Occasion to execute their Laws, they died of themselves. A Law universally odious can never be executed in any Govt.

And it is said one of the letters to Mr. Secretary Conway, “That the principal view is to intimidate the Parliament; but that if it be thought prudent to enforce their authority, the people dare not oppose a vigorous resolution of the Parliament of Great Britain.”

[bf:] The People had indeed a high Respect for Parlt.

That vigorous resolution has not yet been found in the Parliament; and we greatly fear, that the want of it will certainly produce one of these two fatal consequences; either that the repeal of this law will in effect annull and abrogate all other laws and statutes*

*[bf:] The Agitation of the Question of Right makes it now necessary to settle a Constitution for the Colonies.

relating to our Colonies, and particularly the Acts that restrain or limit their Commerce, of which they are most impatient,

†[bf:] Restrictions should be only for the General Good. Endeavour to convince reasonable Creatures by Reason. Try your Hands with me.

or, if we should hereafter attempt to enforce the execution of those laws against their will,

[bf:] Never think of it. They are reasonable Creatures. Reasonable Laws will not require Force!

and by virtue of an authority, which they have dared to insult with impunity and success, that endeavour will bring upon us all those evils and inconveniencies, to the fear of which we now sacrifice the Sovereignty of the Realm;

[bf:] This should not have been suppos’d.

and this at a time when the strength of our Colonies, as well as their desire of a total independence on the Legislature and Government of their Mother-country,

             [bf: a Mistake]

may be greatly augmented, and when the circumstances and dispositions of the other powers of Europe, may render the contest far more dangerous and formidable to this Kingdom. [Here follow the names of 33 peers who signed the Protest. bf underlined the names of two Scottish representative peers, the Earls of Eglintown and Abercorn, and that of the Earl of Ker, whose British earldom entitled the Scottish Duke of Roxburghe to sit in the House of Lords.]

[bf:] I observe two or three Scotch Lords Prot[estor]s. Many more voted agst. the Repeal. Colonies settled before the Union. Query. If the Parlt. had a Jurisdiction over the Colonies by the first Settlement Had they a Right to introduce new Legislators? could they sell or commute the Right with other Nations? Can they introd[uce] the Peers of Ireland, and Commons, and the States of Holland and make them Legislators of the Colonies. How could Scotland acquire a Right to any Legislation over English Colonies, but by Consent of the Colonies themselves.  I am a Subject of the Crown of Great Britain have ever been a loyal one, have partaken of its Favours: I write here with Freedom relying on the Magnanimity of the Parlt. I say nothing to your Ldps. that I have not been indulg’d to say to the Commons. Your Lordps Names are to your Protest therefore I think I ought to put mine to the Answer. Desire what I have said may not be imputed to the Colonies. I am a private Person and do not write by their Direction. I came over here to solicit in Behalf of my Colony a closer Connection with the Crown. Burning Glass.
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