I took the liberty to address you a letter abought three months ago from Paris, but have not been happy enough to be honoured with an answer. Very interesing business calls me as well as two Gentlemen of my friends to Philadelphia; our circumstances don’t afford us to pay our passages to that place, and we would think it the greatest favour if you would be so good as to interest yourself in our behalf to procure it to us either from Nantz, bordeaux, or any other french Sea-ports. Our fortune depends intirely on this travel; and we will be indebted of it to your Generosity and goodness; the pleasure you have in obliging Gentlemen who are not indeserving of it, give us hopes of Succeeding in this very interessing affair. My friend’s names are O-Meara and D’orbray; as possibily I might be at Rochefort or at La Rochelle, when the honour of your letter may Come to us, please to direct to Mr D’orbray poste restante à St Martin En L’Isle de Rhé par La Rochelle.
I have the honour to remain with the utmost respect and Consideration honourable Sir Your Most humble and most obedient Servant