Suffer me to congratulate you on your Arrival in America, an event I did not till a few days ago hear of. Nothing would give me more real pleasure, than to see you, a circumstance which, I hope, will take place, this Winter, as I propose visiting Philadelphia. This will be handed you by Mr. Huxham a merchant of fortune and eminence, of Charleston. I have long been intimately acquainted with him and take the liberty of introducing him to your notice and esteem. He is accompanied by Mr. Armstrong, to whose family, you are no stranger. Enclosed is a letter to my Mother, and I must again trouble my Kinsman, M. Bache to give it a conveyance to her. Mrs. Read joins me in most affectionate Regards to my Cousin, Mr. Bache, and the family, and to yourself and believe me most affectionately, My dear Uncle Your Affectionate Nephew