James Parker: Final Report on the Franklin and Hall Account
ADS: Haverford College Library (2 copies), Historical Society of Pennsylvania (1 copy)
[February 1, 1766]
NUMB. 1. [A-1]
1 Account of Money paid by D. Hall: to B.
Writing appears, examin’d per J. Parker 7849 7 4
2 Account of Money, paid by D. Hall for Bills
Accounts, examin’d per J. Parker 4776 19 6
3 Accounts of Sundries had in Mr. Hall’s Shop,
per J. Parker, March 1. 1765 541 2 1
4 Account of 4000 Poor Richard’s Almanacks
(stiching deducted) 62 13 4
Do as per Account 31 13 4
5 Account of Sundries had, in D. Hall’s Shop,
28. 1766 examin’d per JP. 407 3 5
6 Account for the Book Noetica, being for Mr.
charged at 25 0 0
7 Account for 300 Young Men’s Companion
chargd at 4s.) 60 0 0
8 Account of Cash paid for Baskerville’s Bible,
160 10 0 0
9 Account for Work done for the Post-Office,
exam’d per JP. 11 3 6
10 Account for printing 300 Copies of a Petition
amounting to 2 19 9
11 Account of Money paid by D. Hall, on Mr.
is 140 2 3
13918 4 7
12 [nb. By a Receipt of B.F.’s writing, he acknowledges to have
NUMB. 2. [A-2]
13 Account of Money paid by D. Hall, for
Vouchers, examin’d per J Parker 4298 9 0
14 Account of Money paid for 163½ lb.
examin’d by JP 40 17 6
15 Account of Incidentals paid by D. Hall for
13. 1765. as per Account, exam’d JP. 584 1 2
16 Account of Money paid by D. Hall, for
170, is 292 17 3
17 Account of Incidents paid by D.H. for the
1766, examin’d per JP. 18 5 11
18 Account of Money paid by D.H. for Paper to
examined per J Parker 524 6 6
19 Account of Writing Paper of different Sorts
examin’d by J Parker 153 13 7
20 Account of Parchment, furnished by D.H.
examined per J Parker 52 7 6
5964 18 5
NUMB. 3. [A-3]
21 Account of Money received by B. Franklin
examined per JP. 219 18 11
22 Account of Money received by B. Franklin
1749, as had his Name affixed exd per JP. 24 2 6
23 Account of Money received by B.F. in
Account in settling with D.H. for Gazette 2 17 6
24 Account of Money received by B.F. for the
exam’d per J Parker 448 10 3
25 Account of Money received by B.F. for Wm.
examin’d per JP. 91 4 0
786 13 2
[Gen]eral [Ac]count
Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Esqr in Account with
26 To the Whole of the above Account,
Number 1 13918 4 7
27 To the Half of the above Account Numb. 2 2982 9 2
28 To the Half of the above Account, Numb. 3. 393 6 7
17294 0 5
Errors excepted Phila. Feb 1. 1766 per J Parker.
NUMB. 1. [B-1]
29 Account of Money received by D. Hall for
settled before) 2182 19 5
30 Account of Money received by D. Hall, for
been settled) 242 16 8
31 Account of Money received by D. Hall for
Parker 3312 17 8
32 Do of the same, from Feb. 21, 1765. to
August 22. 1765. as examin’d by J Parker 212 2 6
33 Account of Money received by D. Hall, for
examin’d per J. Parker. 484 14 9
34 Do of the same from Feb 16. 1765. to Jan. 17.
1766. as examin’d per JP 14 16 6
35 Account of Money received by D. Hall, for
25. 1765. as examin’d per J Parker 2393 12 8
36 Do of the same from Feb. 25 1765. to
August 22. 1765. As examin’d per JP 513 5 0
37 Account of Money received by D. Hall, on
Books examined by J Parker 9683 15 4
carried to the End, makes it more 8 16 6
38 Account of Ditto, from March 1. 1765. to
Aug. 22. 1765, as examined by JP 871 18 11
39 Account of Money received by D. Hall for
1748. to January 17. 1766. as examin per JP 1620 14 0
40 Account of Money received by D. Hall for
By Stratton Burton,
Snowhill Post 43:0:0
By John Wise, Do 37:5:0 152 14 2
41 Account of Almanacks printed and Sold by
Poor Richards, 141,257 at 4d. (stiching
deducted) 2213 0 8
Pocket Ditto 25,735 at 6d. 643 7 6
Jerman’s Ditto 5,197, at 3½ exclusive
of Copy paid for and stiching 69 11 9
42 Account of Primers printed by D. Hall from
1749. to 1765. being 35,100, at 2½d. each 365 12 6
43 Account of Blanks printed for the Shop, being
as per Account examin’d per J Parker 482 18 6
44 Account of Money received by D. Hall for
1766: as examin’ per JP. 518 10 6
Counties paid to D. Hall in July 1765 80 0 0
Virginia, paid D. Hall, Jan. 2. 1766 54 0 8
45 Account of Money received by D.H. for
per JP. 114 12 0
46 Account of Money received by D.H. as
1765. to Jan. 17. 1766. examin’d per JP. 117 4 3
47 Account of Money received by D. Hall, for
18. 1766. as examin’d per J Parker 1118 14 4
48 Account of 2000 Primers printed by D.H.
at 2½d. 20 16 8
49 Account of 4000 Catechisms, (omitted
before, chief Part unsold) at 4½ 75 0 0
50 Account of Mr. Peters’s Sermons sold by D.
Academy 14 11 4
51 Account for nine Half Sheets Dilworth’s
(5 Half Sheets not done) 83 6 8
52 Allowance for Sale of Votes, Laws, Indian
at) 200 0 0
53 Account for 9771 of Poor Richard’s
Pocket ditto, at 6d. 187 17 0
54 Account for a Pamphlet just printed, called
one half may sell at 9d. 9 7 6
55 Account of printing Paper remaining in
Partnership has been charged, exam’d per JP 70 10 0
56 Account for 40 Ream of Waste Paper of Old
out Jan. 22. 1766. exam’d per JP at 5s. 10 0 0
57 Account of Money received, from Jan. 17.
Advertisements, the Leidgers, &c. 57 10 9
58 Allowance for 4400 of Moore’s Almanacks
at 3½d. omitted above 64 3 4
28266 0 3
NUMB. 2. [B-2]
59 638 Ream and 8 Quire of Propatria Size for
at 7s. 6d. 239 8 4
60 1475 Ream and 8 Quire of Demi. for
January 1756 at 11s. 811 10 0
61 178 Ream of Demi, for Almanacks from
1752. to 1756. at 11s. 97 18 0
62 208 Ream of Pott—used for Primers, Sermons
and Jerman’s Almanacks—at 7s. 6d. 78 2 6
63 11 Ream 10 Quire of Law paper, for the
Pocket Almanack at 10s. 5 16 0
64 192 Ream of Demi used in sundry Work, &c.
at 11s. 105 12 0
65 70 Ream of Propatria Size, used in sundry
Work at 7s. 6d. 26 5 0
66 21 Ream 2 Quire of Law-Paper used in
sundry Work, &c. at 10s. 10 11 6
67 (All other Paper furnished by Mr. Franklin
which is allowd) 10 0 0
1385 3 4
NUMB. 3. [B-3]
68 An Account of Books and Stationary, left in
Partnership, as examined by J Parker 681 1 0
69 1754. June 17. Cash paid to D. Hall, by B
Franklin, on Account, examin’d per JP 86 4 11
70 1758. June. A Bill of Exchange return’d by
B F. to D.H. 162 10 0
71 A Ballance due to B F. on Th: Chalkley’s
326. examin’d per JP 15 15 10
72 1766. The Printing Materials an Account of
J Parker at 313 10 0
£1259 1 9
General Account
73 By One Half of the above Sum from
Numb. 1 14133 0 1
74 By One Half of the Sum from Numb. 2 692 11 8
75 By the Whole of the Sum of the Account
Numb. 3 1259 1 9
76 By Cash received by D.H. for Gazette and
side 123 2 1
77 By Do received by B.F. for Do. before the
No. 3 of the Debtor side 92 13 3
16300 8 11
17294 0 5
Endorsed: Valuation between Franklin & Hall by J. Parker
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