I have received your agreeable Favour of the 8th Instant per Mr Adams, who did me the Favour to send for me immediately— I pressed him very much to accept a Bed at my house, which he declined, I however had the pleasure of his Company to dine with me the Day after his arrival with several Gentlemen of this place. We went together on Sunday to Painbeuf, & passed two agreeable Days in seeing all the River and places on the Borders of it could afford us.— Yesterday morning he set out for Brest.
M de Fontevieux went passenger in the Ship Duchesse de Grammont which arrived at Portsmouth in new England last Summer, I have not heard anything of him since, his Friends may however be sure that (unless some personal accident happened to him) he is in america.
When your leisure will permit I shall be glad of a Line relative to the Complexion of affairs, so far only as is discreet in me to ask, & in you to communicate.
Mr de Montieu now wants me to go in the Franklin Frigate of 36 Guns & to take her & one or two others to my address. I don’t know what to determine, all that know me advise my Stay because (as they seem to think) Congress will order a return of my public affairs.— For my own Part, I have no great expectations, but I want to hear once more from america before I decide.
I have already [torn: written] to you about the general Run of my orders.—
I am ever with the greatest Respect Your dutifull & affectionate Kinsman