Passy, Sept. 7 1780.
| For 1246. l.t. 10. in favr. of M. Boy | Datet 23d |
| For 1186. l.t. 19 in favr. of M. Quartresages | Augt. 1780. |
| & For 900 l.t.— in favor of M. Termier lainé, dated 25. |
They are all drawn at two Usances, and said to be on Acct. of
the frigate l'Ariel.— I have accepted them nothwithstanding I
have not recd. any Advice concerning them. This is contrary to
my general Rule, and I desire you will immediately furnish me
with the Account on which they are founded; & that in future
you would always do so, previous to your drawing upon me.
Pray inform me if Capt. Jones has sailed, & if not what it is
that detains him.
Messrs. Gourlade et Moylan.