The Humble Petition of Patrick Quinn Most Humbly Sheweth,
That your petitioner is (by numerous losses and misfortunes) reduced to a very low situation: insomuch as to be totally unable to subsist without the help of business. You petitioner (who writes this hand, and has a tollerable knowledge of arithmetic) has made application to several merchants, to procure employment, but in vain. Your petitioner well knowing that your Excellency has been ever ready to assist the unfortunate, and stretch the fostering hand of protection to all those who requested your assistance, Your petitioner humbly entreats your Excellency, that, you will please to take his case into your wise consideration, and give your petitioner a place, in some of the public offices, or elsewhere whichever your Excellency, may in your wisdom think and your petitioner in duty bound, Will ever pray. To His Excellency Benjamin Franklin, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.