Magna Britannia: Her Colonies Reduc’d (Philadelphia Explanation)
Reprinted from print in American Philosophical Society Library.
Philadelphia “Explanation

The above Prophetical Emblem, of what wou’d be the Miserable State of Great Britain and her Colonies, Shou’d She persist in restraining their Trade, distroying their Currency, and Taxing their People by Laws made by a Legislature, where they are not Represented.

The Author with a Sagacity and Invention natural to himself, has compriz’d in one View, under the Character of Belisarius, the late Flourishing State of Great Britain, in the Zenith of Glory and Honour; with her Fall into the most Abject State of Disgrace Misery and Ruin. Belisarius was one of the Greatest Heroes of the Antients. He lived under Justinian the Emperor: He Gain’d a Victory over and concluded an Honourable Peace with Cabades King of Persia, Took Carthage and Subdued Gilimes the Usurper of the Crown of the Vandals, Overthrew Vitiges and refused the Throne of the Goths when offer’d to him; Rebuilt the Walls of Rome after they were distroy’d by Totila, and performed many other Military Atchievements too tedious to enumerate. In this Part of his Character is represented the late Succesful and Flourishing State of Great Britain, which Aided the King of Prussia against the Powerful Armies of Hungary and Russia; Supported Portugal against the Spaniards, and reduc’d France and Spain to the most Advantageous Terms of Accommodation.

By the latter Part of Belisarius’s Life is represented the Unhappy and Miserable State of Great Britain, should the late Measures against America take Place. This General at length being Accused of a Conspiracy against Justinian, That Emperor barbarously Ordered his Eyes to be pulled out, which reduced him to the Greatest Poverty, and Obliged him to Subsist on the Alms of others. The Motto is also Stricking, and elegantly Expressive of this Truth Date Obolum Belisario—Give Poor Belisarius a Penny.

View the Countenance of Great Britain under this Character, and you Percieve nothing but Abject Despondency: Her Eyes, and the Stumps of her mangled Arms raised towards Heaven in Vain. Behold her Colonies, the Source of Her Commerce, Wealth and Glory, Separated from her Body, and no longer Useful to her. The Famous English Oak Diprived of the Wide Extended Top and late flourishing Branches, save a few, and those with its Body witherd and Decay’d. The Ground Beneath it producing nothing but Bryars and Thorns, The British Ships, the Instruments of her Trade, with Brooms on their Topmasts, denoting that they are Advertized for Sale, being no longer either necessary or Useful to her People. Her Sheild which she is incapable of Weilding, laying useless by her. The Lawrel Branch droping from the hand of Pennsylvania, which She is renderd unable to retain. And in Fine, Britania herself Sliding of[f] the World, no longer Courted by the Powers of Europe; No longer Able to Sustain its Ballance; No longer respected or Known among Nations.

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