I the underwritten Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of France, have presented the Procès Verbaux, or Examinations taken before the Judges of the Admiralty of the Eveché de Vannes, and by them transmitted to me, relating to the following Captures and Ransoms made by the Black Prince Privateer, Capt. Patrick Dowlin on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of December last, viz The Brigantine Betsey, Capt. Abraham Button, ransomed for £210 Sterling, William Britton Hostage. The Sloop Hereford, Capt. William Jones, ransomed for £110 Sterling, Nathaniel Bowen, Hostage. The Brigantine Polly, Capt. Thomas Corving, ransomed for £1050 Sterling, John Causfield, Hostage. The Brigantine Nomey, Capt. Paul Tremeam, ransomed for £262.10 s. or Sterling, John Husband, Hostage.
All which Captures, the ~y5 I the Underwritten, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of France, have perused the Procésverbaux or Examinations taken before the Judges of the Admiralty at Morlaix, and by them transmitted to me, relating to the following Captures and Ransoms made by the Black Princes Captain Edward Macatter, on the 28th and 29th of December last, xis. The Brigantine Success, of Lynn, Captain Benjamin Curtis, ransomed for one Thousand Guineas, William Hillier Ransomer, The Brigantine Samuel, of Kidwilly, Captain John Pulloss; ransomed for Three hundred Guineas, Robert Story, Ransomer. Both which Captures &c (see *)