Honourable, Sir
Honourable, Sir
I have had the Honour, of Writing to you, the 15th. May Last, under Cover, of Mr. Grand, Banker at paris, whose confidence, I have Merited, for this many years. that Gentleman, as answer’d me, that you would be so good, as to remember, of my name, at the first opportunity But as I had not the Happiness since, to be honour’d, of an answer, I take the Liberty, of troubling you to know, if I shall be so happy, in Being of any Service, in these little which place it may happen, that some of your vessels, should want to have an Agent, or a Consul, for the Interest, of the United Colonies of America. I know, Honourable Sir, that it is in your Power, to Choose it, as you Desir, I shall Esteem it, as a favour, if I: Could hope, to have the preferance.
I am with Respect Honourable, Sir Your most Devouted, and humble Servant,
Andrew Carmier