I take the freedom to Petition your Excellency, in behalf of Myself and the General Cause of Ameriqua.
I am my Lord a Subject of Great Britain, born in Aberdeen, I have Long served on board of different ships of his Majesty’s, which has ever marked my Conduct.
At this Juncture I have under my Command an active Genoa Built, Well fitted for the purpose of a Privateer; She mounts 10 Guns and Carries 40 men, and is in Every other respect a Vessel to cruise in the mediteranean against the avowed Ennemis of the Royal Congress of america, for this Vessel I have to move your Excellency for a Commission; that I may fall upon their trade unlooked for.
For my Character I beg Leave to refer your Excellency to my friend who presents this, which repose confidence sufficient in my conduct.
I am My Lord Your Exellency’s Devoted Servant