By the late arrivals from America, I received nothing worth communicating. Otherwise it woud not have escaped me to Advise by the earliest Opporty.—
Yesterdays’ came to my hand some letters brought by Capt: Bell arrived from Philada at L’Orient. My friends intertaining an Idea, that I must have left France, prevented any particular communication in the line of News.
The few latest paper’s I receivd goes by to day’s post directed to you, for his Excellency. incase he may not have any so late.
Inclosed Receive herewith Twenty three Continental Loan office Notes, on his Excellency. amounting in all to to three thousand three hundred & Seventy eight Dollars. Equal to £16890 Pounds, which be pleased to get Accepted for me, and retain in your hands for my further order’s.
I have a letter from Mr Morris of 30 Octor. adviseing me that he coud not intertain a doubt of his Excellencys Adopting an immediate plan for my paymt. on the Setlement of my Accounts, and Congress haveing ordered my payment to be made by the Minister of the United States in Europe.—My situation I hope will come under his Excellency’s consideration, when there is a prospect of affording me reliefe—I have avoided, under every inconveniencey, to give him trouble. Yet, I do assure you in truth, my Advances have exposed me too much.—It will be extreamily obliging, to Advise me, when there is any prospect for me. Coud any method be adopted to provide, even but about two hundred & fifty thousand Livres for me at present, in part of my demand, it woud prove of Essential service, & enable me to quitt Europe with that reputation I wish to preserve in my profession—My best respects wait on his Excellency—and with Much esteeme believe me Dear Sir Your very obedt Serv