You will see by the inclosed letter that my father’s accounts with the United States are not yet finally settled. The Secretary of the treasury has thought proper to give to it a new investigation, and of course it has passed through the hands of the different offciers of the Department. It is now in the hands of the Attorney General and when he has given his judgment upon it I have every reason to hope that the Business would come to a speedy conclusion, and as my last letters render my presence more necessary in France I wish very much to make all haste in my power. The letter I write to Mr. Randolph is to Press him to send his judgment to the Secretary of the tresaury and I leave to you, Sir, to determine whether a line from you added to the said letter would not be of advantage. I therefore send it to you with a request to forward it either with or without a line from you just as you will think more proper. The affairs of my father in France are pretty much in the same situation they were when I had the honor to see you last. He is always at Chaumont refusing to settle his Bussiness or to sell any of his properties before my arrival there. He desires me in his last letters to present you with his respects.
With Great Regard I have the Honor to be Sir Your most obedient and humble servant