I have received your Letter of April 26 and May 15 inclosing a Copy of my Account for the last Year which I believe is right. I had before received your’s of the 28 of February together with the Case of Books containing also the Worsted. With respect to the Books there have been some Mistakes made. I wrote for the 4 last Volumes of the Memoires des Chinois having already the 10 first, and you have sent me the whole 14. I must endeavour to dispose of those and now again desire you to send me the four last Volumes; that is to say, the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th and the 15th if it is published, to complete my Set. The Dictionnaire de Jurisprudence charged in my Account is not come, I have the two first Volumes and desire to have the subsequent ones.
Mr. Jefferson is not yet arrived, perhaps he may bring some of them. I am glad to hear that my Dear Friend Mr. Ferdinand Grand is recovering from those dangerous Maladies. I hope his virtuous and useful Life will be still continued many Years. Mine draws near its close but while I do live I shall ever remember with Affection the Family of the Grands whom I love very sincerely
I am Gentlemen Your most obedient and most humble Servant