A horrid Spectacle to Men and Angels is now about to be exhibited on the Stage of this Globe. Two great and Powerful Nations are employing their Forces in the Destruction of Civil Liberty, that heavenly Blessing without which Mankind lose half their Dignity and Value! one in oppressing and enslaving a handful of Men the last brave Assertors of it within the Bounds of the old Roman Commonwealth; the other crushing in its Infancy, the first Appearance of it in the Western World. The former seems to have lost Sight of its antient Name and State, Franks from the Freedom it once enjoy’d; the latter, while it boasts of enjoying Freedom itself, would ruin others for vindicating their common Right to it. The first is acting a cruel, a mean and unmanly Part, thus to use its vastly superior Force against People so unable to resist it; but is however more excusable than the latter as the People to be oppress’d and enslav’d, are NOT her own Children! The 4 refused Petitions Calculation of the time necessary to subdue the Colonies Instructions to dissolve Assemblies.