If the Ceremony of an Apology was necessary between us I could not make a better one for my past silence, than Mrs Williams’s Illness for my mind & all my attention has been employed on that single object, thank God she is now so much better that I am again able to take up the thread of my affairs. I send you inclosed 4 Bills for 9150 as per list which please to return me duely accepted.—I sent a letter to Mr Necker last post under the Doctors Cover. You will oblige me much by seeing that it is delivered as it is of great Consequence to me, for I fear I shall not be able to unload my ship ’till I have the answer.—
I had written thus far when I received your Favour of the 3d Inst. covering copy of a Letter which Capt Conckling sent to the Doctor, it will be impossible for me to procure Frieght for him because I sent more than I can get for a ship to my address. I believe this same Captn is one of those wise Genius’s who think themselves capable of doing wonders & save a Commdr to a Merchant, and after losing ten times as much & tumbling into difficulties by their Ignorance, ask assistance to get out of them. I judge of this by the Time he has been in Rochelle, & I much doubt if the Sale of his Ship would pay his Expences; It is so long since I heard of his Arrival that I had forgot the Whim & all her whimsical concerns: I would however serve him if I could. I shall be obliged to you to send me some thin Paper when the Press comes.—
I am ever most sincerely my dear Billy your affectionate Friend