From Timothy Pickering (unpublished)
Wilkesburg, Cpunty of Luzerne Augt. 13. 1787.

A letter from a friend advised me that Council had appointed William Montgomery Esqr. a Commissioner to examine the claims of the Connecticut Settlers in this county, in the room of Genl Hunter, resigned. I had an opportunity of writing to Mr. Montgomery to inform him of it, or rather to urge his acceptance of the office. I received his answer last evening; by which I find that my letter (which reached him last Thursday) gave him the first notice of his appointment. He has consented, nay determined, to serve. I expressed my opinion to him, that not only the peace of this county, but perhaps of the state, depended on an immediate execution of the law for confirming the Connecticut title. The uneasiness of the people at the delays which have happened is greater than I could have imagined; as John Franklin and his adherents are very industrious to insure suspicions into the mind of the settlers that these delays are designed, and that the law will never be carried into execution. Until this law begins to operate, to undeceive the people, misled by Franklin’s predictions and falsehoods, the execution of the laws in general will be difficult. The people, with such doubts on their minds, will be averse from aiding the sheriff and magistrates, or yield them but a faint support.

If Mr. Montgomery’s commission should have been forwarded, I pray that a certificate of the appointment, duly authenticated, may be furnished to Mr. Evans, who will return hither without delay; and that certificate forwarded to Mr. Montgomery (if his commission should not sooner reach him) would authorize his coming hither and being sworn; for which reason, Colo. Denison (who was going to attend in Council) will remain here, to administer the oath to Mr. Montgomery; because the law requires that it be taken before one of the Council, or a judge of the Supreme Court. I have the honour to be very respectfully sir Your Excellency’s obedient servant

Timothy Pickering

His Excellency the President of the State of Pennsylvania
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