I beg leave to refer to the letter I had the honour to address your Excellency on the 3d. inst. being since deprived of your Excellencys favours, the purport of this is cheafly to inform your Excellency, that M. Stephen Merchant late Captain of the black prince has resign’d the command of Said privateer, and return’d me the Commission your Excellency was pleased to grant him, which, with the instructions, I Send here inclosed, and beg the favour of your Excellency to acknowledge the receipt. As Mr. Torris owner of Said privateer intends to give the command of her to M. Patrick Dowling, late first Lieutenant, he desired me to request your Excellency would endorse or fill up the said Commission in favour of Mr. Patrick Dowling, mentioning in the margin or at the bottom that he has reimplaced Capn. Merchant in the command, or if any blanck Commissions are left, to grant him a new one.
Captain Marchant will sett off to morrow for Paris. I believe he intends to return to America.
The Edgar, Dromadary & Diamond which were Sent from the Downs in quest of Capn. Jones Squadron, are (I am tol’d) return’d to that station, the former Sail’d for Spithead to Join Sir Chs. Hardys Fleet.
The black prince & Princess, are fitting out with all Expedition, I believe they will be ready for Sea in 10 or 12 days.
I have the honour to Subscribe myself with profound respect Your Excellencys most obedt & most devoted humble Servant