Having Obtained a passage from hence for the City of Philadelphia from One of the Owners of a Ship belonging to Ireland and now in this river—The Captain of said Ship Informs me he will be Obliged on his Arrival there to give Security to the Chief Magistrate that all the passengers on Board his Ship have an Independence. If such is the Case My Friends in America who would do the like for me reside a Considerable distance from said City. I am informed by some here that it is an invention of the Captain’s as he is not to Benefit by my Passage. I pray your Excellency’s pardon for requesting you to Order me an Answer by return of the post. If such is the Case or not, as said Ship is to part in about 8 days And no ship except her now offers for America, I flatter myself with an Expectation of an Answer from your Excellency’s well known Condescension in affairs of Humanity. I have the Honor to be your Excellency’s most Humble and devoted Servant