Henry Bromfield, Jr. to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Amsterdam 5th. Feby. 1781

I was in Hopes, before this, to have had it in my Power to furnish you with the Particulars of the Equipment of the Vessell for which his Excellency was so kind as to favor me with a Passport. In this, however, I am disapointed: some unfortunate Circumstances, with the personal Insecurity of remaining in London, having obliged the Persons concerned to lay aside the intended Voyage. Such was the Apprehension excited that the Gentleman who had the Instrument in Possession was induced to destroy it, thru fear of the Consequences of a Detection. His Certificate of this Transaction I have the Honor to inclose for the Cancelment of the Bond left in your Office, of which I shall be obliged for your Acknowledgement on Receipt.

Please to mention me respectfully to the Doctor & offering my best Compliments, I am, with Esteem, Sir your most obedient humble Servant

Henry Bromfield Junr.

Addressed: William Franklin Esqr.
Endorsed: Ansd 25 Do—Henry Bromfield. Amsterdam Feby 5. 1781.—
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