We received letters from England this morning dated the beginning of August which informs us that Mrs. Hewson had taken her passage for Philadelphia in the Harmony Captain Willet—My mother and Sister accompany her in the voyage. As the pacquet had a remarkable fine passage it occurred to me that you might not have received certain intelligence of Mrs. Hewson’s determination to come in that vessel and that I might communicate welcome tidings to Doctor Franklin and yourself—That has been my inducement to give you this trouble & write I am sure be sufficient apology My mother further writes that they expected to sail in a few days—If you should hear from the Merchants at Philadelphia who will most probably have the most authentic intelligence of the Ships sailing being protracted I shall be obliged to you to inform me of it. My Father & Brother desire their Compts. to you & respects to Dr. Franklin in which I beg to join & to assure I am with Esteem D Sir Your most obedt Sert