From Jonathan Loring Austin
als: American Philosophical Society
Nantes 19th October 1780

I had the Honor of writing you by last Post relative to a Quantity of warlike Stores I wished to take on Freight for America, & hope in due time to be favored with your Excellency's Answer.

I now enclose your Excellency a Draft on Monsieur Grand for 330 Livres in part of the 600 you was pleased to lend me, I did not perceive till this Morning a Mistake had been made in drawing the Bills which occasions my not drawing for the whole Sum; I will desire Mr Williams to pass to your Credit the remaining 270 Livres; provided it will be as agreeable to you as having an Order on some Person in Paris—with which you'l please to acquaint me—

I am with great Respect sir Your most Obedient & very humble Servant

Jona. Loring Austin

Addressed: Son Excellence / Monsieur Dr Franklin / à Passy / pres Paris
Notation: J. L Austin Nantes 19 Oct 80
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