1. | How many men imployed in the whole? |
2. | How many men imediately about the Glass blowing? |
3. | How maney feet of Glass Do they make a Day? |
4. | How Do they Sell it per foot in their Philedalphia? |
5. | What are the Stone they make their furnace of and |
6. | Where Do they Git them? |
7. | Where are the pots made that Contain the metal? |
8. | Who makes them? |
9. | Can they be bought amonst you and what a peace? |
10. | How Large the furnace and where Does it Stand? |
11. | How Do you think workmen are to be hired i.e. glass |
12. | [How] Maney pots Shall I need per Annum [and] how Long |
13. | How maney men Shall I Have Need to Send for to Eng- |
14. | How Soon may the furnice be got a going? |
15. | What Do you think their furnice Clears per annum? |
16. | Where Does their furnice Stand? in what town? how far |
17. | Whether there be any thing Special to Seperate the Glass |
18. | Why Dont the Iron Grates between the first and Second |
19. | What the Reason workmen may not be had with you? |
20. | When will their Furnace begin to work this Spring: because |
21. | What is the Contrivance of their Kiln? |
22. | Do they in England Use potashes in m[aking] Glass? |
23. | What part of Sand and ashes is Converted into Glass? |