From William Finnie (unpublished)


Virginia Williamsburgh 12th. May 1780

Being lately in possession of a Continental Loan Office Certificate for Six Hundred Dollars No. 1147 dated the 13th November 1777 drawn in favor of Matthew Irwin or bearer, by Thomas Smith Commissioner of the Continental Loan office in Philadelphia. I had by a friend of mine in Philadelphia received two setts of Exchange on France for thirty Six Dollars each drawn in my name No. 2516 and 2517 dated April 20th. 1780 for Interest due on said Certificates. These, together with the Original Certificate of Six hundred Dollars as above mentioned were lost by some accident. I am therefore to request (should they be offered for payment) that they may be protested unless advice to the contrary from Gentlemen Your Most Obedient Servant.

Will: Finnie

I hereby Certify, that the above is the hand writing of Col. Finnie

W Armistead

Addressed: The Commissioners for the United States / at / Paris
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