I recved you kind Leter Dated Octr. 16 about a fourtnight ago, by way of Philadelphia, with grat Pleasure as it gave me to understand your Malady does not Increace upon you, but you always Represent your Afflictions as Light as Posable to your Sister because you know She constantly Greves for you, but I think I can Discover you to be in Pain even while you thus write, your Tendernes for me In that Respect as in all other Vertues far Excedes mine, for to my Regret I Reflect that my Last Leter to you contained two many complaints of my Ill State of Health and Natureal Decays, which I Sopose you had not Recved, but God has been beter to me than my fears for tho it has Indeed been a Severe Winter I have had Less Indisposition than in Ither of the two Preceding Winters. I am however Dayly Looking forward to that State wich you wonce gave me a hint was more Proper for my contemplation than Seeking a New Place of Aboad In this world, however as it need not Impede our Journey to that beter country I am strongly Inclined to Justifie my Project; as you have Profesed an Inclination to Spend Last Days in your Native Place and I thought you had been So Long Used to Grandure in your Apartments and Furniture you had by this time got a Surfitt of them and would Relish a Plain Simple Acommodation of Just convenancess which would take but little time to Suply your Self with, and you had I hoped a number of years before you. Pray God you Live to the Age of your Ancestors.
But this Scheme was before I heard of your Distresing calamity now alas I fear Every year and Every Day is a Burthin to you Exept you recive Som Amusement by the wonderfull Philosophical Discoveries lately made in France.
I have Some times feard. as your old Friends in America have Died of So fast you would be So Attached to that Country as not to wish to Return If your Case would Permit.
You have heaped So many Blessings upon me I am at a Loss now to Express My Gratitude. I have a grat Deal of time to contemplate my happy State in Aboundance of Perticulars and thought my Self Richly Provided for in all things nesesary for my Comfort, the Permision you now Send me to Draw on you for Fivety Pounds Sterling gratly Increases the Store; I accept with a gratfull hart for I know you give it with Pleasure, and have Acording Drawn the Bills in favour of Jonathan williams on order I am alowd. Six present which they Say was as much as could be got Mr. Bradford has it and Pays me Intrest for it as I did not Emediatly want it.
I have Put a New Pump in to the well had it Emptied and cleaned to the Botom had a New platform and Sink and all things it wanted but I had money anouf by me to do it.
Would you think it Capt. Patridge that married Bettsey Hubard is Gone to be Overseeer of the Almes House. I have been to See them Since they got there. She apears chearfull and I beleve is tolarable contented. Tommy Hubard is married to a Rich widdow in the country who he was a long time Strugling to obtain and has Conquered at Last.
I have not heard from our friends at Road Island a long time I have thoughts of Taking A Journy thare. Our friend Caty Greene desiers me all ways to Remember her to you when I write.
My Son Collas is now gone to the Eastward to bring a New vesel He is going to the West Indies in. She is a Poor weakly wooman hardly Ever well. Tommy Mecom is still with us Strong and harty So there is won in the Famely free from complaints.
We have had grat Bustling hear about the choice of Govener and I hear are Like to have none this year, but I dont Doubt you will See all the Papers So Shall only add that with the most Sincear Gratitude and Prayers for your Ease an Comfort I remain your Affectionat Sister