On this Sixteenth day of June One thousand seven hundred and eighty Before Mr. Joseph Cortissos Notary Public dwelling and practising in this City of London by lawful Authority duly admitted and sworn Personally came and appeared Thomas Byrne late Master of the Schooner named the Peter mounting Six Guns three pounders and no Swivels and declared that his said Schooner being loaden with a Cargo of Staves and Flour He was proceeding therewith on a Voyage from London to Madeira and in the prosecution of his said Voyage upon the twenty sixth day of February last between the Landsend and Ushant. He was met and taken as prize by an American Privateer named the Black Prince Patrick Dowling Commander who (as He believes) sent his said Schooner as prize into France And this Appearer doth further declare that upon the Eight day of March last Himself and Crew were released by the said Privateer and sent on board the Bessborough Irish Packet All which the said Appearer declares he is ready to Confirm upon Oath if thereto required and hath signed these presents with Me the said Notary whereupon I have granted this Act under my Notarial Firm and Seal of Office to serve and avail as Occasion, shall or may require London ut supra this with the Interlineations made by me I approve