From Giambatista Beccaria (I)
I. MS translation and MS Latin original: The Royal Society.
[Turin, December 24, 1757]
John Baptist Beccaria [of the sacred schools,
sends greetings] to Benjamin Franklin Esqr. the first in Electrical
Knowledge &c.
1. Learned Sir, I am glad you are safe arriv’d
in London from America; and send you an hypothesis which I struck
out from experiments concerning electrical motions: This I divide
into two parts, as the very difference [between] these kind of
motions seems to require; In the first part I treat of
attractions, and in the second of repulsions;
2. And I now Comprehend the whole of my
consideration of attraction in a few words as follows: “when
the Electrical Fire, being in greater quantity in One body, throws
it self by the power of Expansion into another; towards an
Equilibrium, it removes the greater part of the Interjected,
or Interstitial air from its place, according to its own
greater [mass (copia)]. Whence it follows, that the air
which is near the bodies, for want of the resistance of the
intermediate air, rushes, towards that middle place: but not by
passing round the bodies, which is a longer way, and more
interrupted from the flowing out of the fire, but by rushing in,
from nearby. It is by this [displacing (trusione)] of the
air, that bodies unequally electrify’d approach [each
other]; and while they approach they are accelerated, because the
more fire flows in, the greater quantity of intermediate air is
thrown out, and therefore the greater the attraction; and thus the
momentum of the air [displaced] from nearby will be
Experiment 1.
3. That the air is [expelled] by the Electrical
fire flowing in, is demonstrated by the experiment of the spark
which is excited in the middle of the Tube, hermetically seald at
one end, and stop’d with [some liquid] at the Other; for while the
spark throws out the [liquid], it is [proved (testatur)] the
air is thrown out also.
4. Nor indeed can the fire, when it flows in,
supply the [support (fulcrum)] of the intermediate air now
driven out, whereby the air adjacent to bodies may be sustain’d;
for it flows out again very freely, and passes into the Other body,
wherfore as it is not itself sustaind or resisted, neither can it
act as a [support].
Experim: 2.
5. The matter is confirm’d by the following
[very] clear experiment: I roll’d up a slip of Gilt paper of about
eight inches long and four lines broad, so as to form a little
solid cillinder D. I suspend this by a silk thread D.G. under [an
opening (fornice)] of an air pump I.H.K. thro’ the top of
which, H. the mettal rod BC. passes, [descending into (desinens
in)] the mettal ball C. I fix the mettal rod LE. arm’d with [a
similar] ball [on top], to the plate IK. [Now] the spheres C and E.
are in the same plane with the cillinder D. and at equal distances
from it; then fixing the Chain A. B. which belongs to the
electrical Machine [to] the rod B.C. and consequently the
electrical fire being sent into the rod B.C. I observe: 1st. that
before the air is remov’d, the paper cillinder D. is agitated with
the most violent vibrations between the two spheres E.C. 2dly. that
while the air is remov’d the agitation is plainly diminished in
proportion to the quantity of air removed. 3dly. [when as much air
as possible is removed] the cillinder D. hardly stirs. When I have
observ’d these things, I restore the air again by degrees, and
observe that the vibrations increase again in proportion to the
restored air, and at length become as violent as before. Which
circumstances when I contemplate in particular, and consider them
also together, I understand that the quantity or greatness of
electrical motions is owing to the air, either intire or in
Experiment. III.
6. Because light bodies such as gold leafe,
Dust &c. are agitated in rarifyed air with a motion
sufficiently sensible, was the reason why I thought, with other
[physicists (physicis), from the beginning, that electrical
motions, receiv’d in the air, ought not to be attributed to the
action of electrical fire. But because, [having now considered the
matter more carefully,] I see that motions in the residual air bear
not a greater proportion to the first motions that are made in the
intire atmospherical air, than that which passes between the
residual and the first air, I am inclined to acknowledge this error
in my self and others, and adopt the contrary Opinion; which
experience verifies.
7. I must not omit a part of my Observation,
which is very [opportune] towards confirming this matter: Sometimes
I used to bring my Experiment from the last [stage] into a dark
room; and then I observed that the fire vibrating the
pendulum, before the air was remov’d, shined here and there
with crackling, light but short sparks near each ball: afterwards
this fire in proportion to the removed air, and also the minuteness
of the vibrations of the pendulum, flow’d out in a more
ample, gentle, Continual, tho’ not so shining a Radius.
8. And this truely demonstrates a reaction of
the air, compelling the electrical fire in a certain density; which
[corresponds to] the proportion of its Own density; and this
reaction of the air [cannot avoid responding] to the action of the
electrical fire, endeavoring to throw out the air; and clearly
throwing it out, where it can prevail against the fire with a
necessary [force (vi)].
9. To these I shall add no more towards
explaining the attractions of bodies unequally electrify’d, I have
brought some arguments in my letters to [Beccari] in which however
I treated of the mechanical cause of attractions but doubtfully;
but a more accurate consideration of the experiments, occasions my
discoursing of the cause of attractions with more confidence.
10. Bodies equally electrified repel each
other; The cause of which I now proceed to explain:
11. The electrical fire which is in bodies, by
what means soever, [sparks in order to balance] the electrical fire
which is in the air. (Give me leave to call the one the
proper, and the Other the aerial fire.) If both have
an equal proportion to the native capacity of the bodies and of the
air, the bodies are attracted, or are at rest in their [original
position (nativa directione)]; Otherwise if either the
proper or aerial fire is excess, it equally [sets
free (explicat)] the bodies and compells them to a
This is the account:
Experiment IV.
12. As often as I proceed to electrifie a Chain
several times [for a longer period (diutius), in my Chamber
which is a very large One [but closed], I find, that part of its
electrical fire is diffus’d into the ambient air; and renders [that
air, however much there is in the Chamber,] electrical to excess,
whilst it is in a dry State either from the weather or from fire.
For I carry into any part of the room two flaxen threads which I
suspend either between two fingers, or at the end of a stick, and
they repel each other; and whether I keep them in the same place or
move them to any Other part of the room, yet they continue to
diverge for half an hour, an hour, and sometimes longer.
Experiment. V.
13. If the threads are seperated from the stick
or reed, by the assistance of the glass, and in like manner from
the ground, they first diverge, and then return to their [original
position]. But these things happen after all the sparks are as much
as possible drawn out from the Chain, after all the redundant fire
is remov’d from it, after the Connexion of the Chain with the
Experiment. VI
14. From a long continued electrification of
the Machine I find the Phaenomena in all respects the same: But if
the long electrification of the machine continually follows a long
electrification of the Chain, or vice versa, the threads
fix’d to the reed or stick, are constantly observ’d to diverge from
the electrification of another body; in the begining I observe that
they attract one another, at the begining electrification of
another body; and then again to diverge as before.
15. By these experiments, I say, we are in my
Opinion taught: I. that while we accumulate several successive
fires in the Chain, several successive parts of it passes widely
into the ambient air, and adheres to it; and so all the air
containd in the chamber becomes electrified to excess. In like
manner while we draw out of the machine several successive fires,
the machine draws in several successive parts of the fire from the
ambient air, and so all the air contain’d in the Chamber becomes
deficient of electricity, or electrifyd in Defect. II. The
threads carry’d in either the fingers or at the end of the stick,
repel each other in the air by the electrical excess from the
chain, or the electrical defect from the machine, or by the force
of the proper native fire overcoming the aerial if they [come
together in] the electrical air from the machine; or by the power
of the aerial fire overcoming the native proper fire of the
threads, if they [come together] in the electrical air from the
Chain. III. That these kind of threads diverging by the
electrification of the chain, from the consequent electrification
of the machine, or the contrary, first attract; because the machine
first takes in from the air the excess it had from the chain; or
the chain restores to the air, the fire taken from the machine; and
so the fire in the air restored to its Native quantity ought to
equilibrate with the native fire remaining in the threads. IV. But
furthermore from a longer electrification of the machine consequent
to the electrification of the chain, or the contrary, the threads
diverge again; because either the machine goes on to take in part
of the native fire, or the chain goes on to add more fire to the
air than the native quantity. V. that the same threads, when
seperated by the glass, diverge in the begining, because they,
which have only their Own Native fire, come together in the air
which is electric by excess or defect; and then when they are
seperated by the glass they at length come to their [original
position] because either part of the aerial fire, if the air is
electric in excess from the chain, at last pours itself into the
threads towards an equilibrium, and also flows by the
compelling power of the glass, or part of the native fire, or of
the proper fire of the threads pours itself into the air, if the
air is electric by defect, [because] it may be supply’d from
elsewhere by the compulsion of the glass.
16. From hence the following things seem
universally to hold: I. that the air contains in itself, its own
Native fire. II. that to the native fire of the air, another fire
may be added, that part of the native fire may be subtracted from
the air, but slowly, and as it were by force. III. that the air
lets go the [excess], and takes in the deficient fire, but that in
a very slow manner. IV. If the air has, like other bodies, its own
native fire, then these are in a native state, if the air, while
their native fire remains in bodies, has a greater or less quantity
of fire than its native quantity, the bodies repel each other; but
every one of these theorems can be illustrated in a surprising
manner by other experiments; and be more fully demonstrated.
Experiment 7.
17. Two threads, fastened to the chain, after a
few turns of the globe, diverge very much: afterwards from a
longer-lasting electrification in the chain they begin to diverge
less; and this diverging is diminish’d to a certain degree; so that
sometimes the angle of the diverging, after a [longer] continuation
of the friction of the globe, becomes double that of the diverging
which happen’d from the same electrification when first excited.
When I percieve this diverging of the threads diminish enough, then
I cease the friction of the globe, but gently apply a very sharp
stilus to the chain, wherby I slowly draw forth all the redundant
fire from it; while this is doing the threads approach each other
slowly, then gently again diverge to an angle indeed less than the
first, tho’ great enough, which sometimes scarce amounts to forty
five degrees; but then they proceed to diverge for a longer
18. That is, the greatest angle from the
Electrification first excited, because then a very great quantity
of fire is sent in to the chain, and in the threads connected with
it, but little or none into the air. Afterwards the angle becomes
less, as the fire increases and is consequently sent into the air,
the same excess of the fire remaining in the chain. While the fire
sent into the chain is slowly diminished by the application of the
Stilus, the angle is still diminished in proportion as the
residual fire in the chain, and the fire, sent in and Joind to the
air, approach to an equilibrium; and where both the fires come to
an equality the threads resume their [original] direction: when
again the fire, yet redundant in the chain, if further diminshd,
and the redundant fire in the air not so (for it is Joind to the
air, and as we observe is slowly diminished by it,) the threads
again repel each other because of the excess of the aerial fire
over that in the chain, which aerial fire, in fine, because it is
most slowly discharg’d, the threads proceed to diverge [for a very
long time (diutissime)].
Experiment VIII.
19. If the threads are connected with the
Machine, all the same Phaenomena happen in them from a long
electrification of the machine, that they had from a long
electrification of the chain when connected with it.
20. Wherefore as I have shew’d in general from
the begining, if the proper fire of bodies, whatsoever it’s
quantity be, is in equilibrium with the fire of the ambient air,
bodies either remain in their native state or return to it; if one
fire exceeds the other bodies repel each other by the power of the
fire in excess.
21. And hence if I mistake not learn’d Sir you
see the reason why those bodies electrify’d as well from the chain
as the Machine repel each other: the proper fire in bodies
electrified by the chain overcomes the aerial, and the aerial in
like manner overcomes the proper fire in bodies electrified by the
Experiment IX.
22. As often as the threads mutually repel each
Other, and diverge from either the increased or diminishd native
fire in them, they are attracted to my finger when advanced to
them; as often as they repel each other and diverge preserving
their native fire, from the native fire of the air either increased
or diminish’d, they fly from my finger.
23. And this indeed is very agreable to the
Known laws of electrical attraction, and repulsion; for when the
native fire in the threads is either increased or diminished, they
become as unequally electrified as my finger, which has its own
native fire; but when the native fire stands firm in the threads,
and they repel each other from the increased or diminished fire in
the air; then as they diverge from one another, so they must be
repelled by my finger, having also its native fire, by the power of
the air, in which the native fire is increasd or diminished. But
besides, this very repulsion of the threads from my finger also
proves the cause of repulsions which I assert; for both the finger
and threads communicate with the ground, and therefore they have
not in them any Other fire but the native, by which because they do
not repel each other, it remains that they repel by the native
fire, either increased or diminish’d, in the air.
24. When I first fell upon this theory of
electrical repulsions, I was doubtful whether the aerial fire could
not make repulsions in the machine, equal in velocity and greatness
to those which the proper fire makes in the chain; thence I again
suspected that the quantity of the fire in the machine and chain
(universally conveying to all bodies) might be quickly changed; but
that the measure of the fire in the ambient air is but slowly
increased or diminished: besides another consideration increased my
suspicion: that I could never draw as much fire from the air as
from the machine, nor could I ever add as much to the air as to the
chain; for I could never come to be able to sustain the whole
diverging of the threads by the electricity of the air alone, as
much as existed from the intire electricity of the machine or
However hence it came to pass, that I
communicated these same experiments, and also Others, by Letters to
the most learned president of the Bononian Institute, wherin I
establish’d this theory of repulsions at large.
But upon considering the matter more maturely I
found that the velocity of the repulsions, caused by the aerial
fire, ought not to answer to the velocity whereby its quantity is
either increased or diminsh’d; but to that velocity whereby its
inherent quantity acts; and that the greatness of the repulsions,
which come from the same fire, ought not to answer to its absolute,
but to its comparative greatness; I have observ’d both these to
happen upon occasion.
Experiment X.
25. If in the Sixth experiment, after the
diverging of the threads is diminished from a longer
electrification of the chain, I draw all the redundant fire, not
slowly but immediatly, from the chain (my hand being apply’d to it)
the threads indeed begin to come together [as fast as possible] but
they suddenly return with equal velocity before they arrive at
their [original position]. But this other repulsion, because it
happens from the aerial fire overcoming the proper residual fire in
the threads, I perceive nevertheless that the very aerial fire
(altho’ its quantity is slowly changed) causes repulsions of equal
velocity with those that are made without the proper fire.
Experiment XI.
26. And that these equally great repulsions
happen from the aerial fire I thus understand. After the fire
receiv’d into the air, as much as may be, that is round the chain,
(all the redundant fire being taken away from the chain, and so the
threads now diverging from the aerial fire), I substitute a globe
of Sulphur instead of glass, and from the friction of this I
observe, the angle of divergence to increase in the begining, which
the aerial fire effected, and then continually to diminish.
27. And this is certain that the first
frictions of the Sulphureous globe takes away part of the native
fire from the chain, and does not in like manner take away the
excess of fire of the ambient air (for the air, as we observd
before, slowly receives the fire of another body and as slowly
parts with it) wherefore the greatness of the divergence is
increased which is causd by the aerial fire, not changed by the
absolute greatness of the aerial fire, but only by its comparative
greatness, the proper fire being therefore diminished, and the
proportion of the aerial to the proper [fire] being increased.
Therefore because as much of the fire as is collected in the chain,
so much is drawn from the machine; the proportion of the aerial
fire about the machine, to the residual fire in the machine, will
be the same as the proportion of the redundant fire in the chain,
to the aerial fire about the chain: wherefore the aerial fire about
the machine will make repulsions, not only equally swift, but
equally great with those made by the proper fire in the chain.
28. Therefore that I may comprehend in a few
words all that seem most likely to explain universally all
electrical motions, (for you may easily observe that all
suspensions, adhesions, vibrations and an infinite number of Other
compositions as so many electrical Ludi [games, demonstrations] are
comprehended in the repulsions and attractions). This at length is
the Sum of my hypothesis: that the attractions of bodies, unequally
electrified, are affected by the electric fire of one body, in
which it is more abundant, flowing out into another, thro’ the
[intermediate] air, and even throwing off that. But that repulsions
are caused by the proper fire of bodies expanding it self against
the aerial [fire], or by the aerial expanding it self more strongly
against the proper fire; which expansion however, of the fire of
one body overcoming another, seems to happen without the mutual
admixtion of one with the other. For the air contains its own fire
whatsoever its quantity be, nor can it discede from it, and drives
away the proper fire of conducting bodies that it may not adhere to
29. I have I say Learnd Sir, Laid before you
this hypothesis, and you will thereby improve it; and if you think
it worthy of being laid before the Royal Society, It will be very
agreable to me, who, [since] I am not able to add any Ornament,
hope my dilligence will be acceptable to it. Be careful of your
Health, for it is fit you should be long preserv’d for the
improvement of Science, and the amplification of what you have so
certainly established.
Dated at Turin 24. Xber. 1757.
Endorsed: Translation of a latin Letter from Professor
Beccaria of Turin to Mr. Franklin concerning some Electrical
experiments. by Dr. Parsons Read at R S. 7 February 1760
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