M. Torris.
M. Torris.
I am directed by my Grandfather Dr. franklin, to forward you the Enclosed application relative to some Trunks taken by your Privateer the Black Prince the 19. July 79. on board the Dublin, Morgan Griffith Master. The application is sent him by a very particular friend, whom he wishes on every Occasion to oblige. He requests therefore that if these Trunks are not already disposed of, and the sum offerd for their Redemption appears to you sufficient you would give the original proprieters, the Preference in the Purchase. For one of the Trunks, as you will see by the Invoice, was a Box containing Bonds &c. which being of no Value to anyone but the owner may, I Imagine if the Trunks are sold easily be got in order to return to the Proprieter, With great Esteem I have the honour to be. Sir.