I received your favour of The 8th. left at Mr. Childs’ Printing office but very late, as it happened that for a Whole Week I had not been in Town.—
I am Sorry that the New Jersey Land Society has Disolved the Association, as it was by all I heard of a very respectable one; yet Tho I felt proud to be in this business Connected with those Gentlemenn, I neverteless would likewise have Voted for declining the Purchase, but would have wished to disolve the Association Only Conditionally, if on repeated Aplication no other Terms could be Obtained from Congress.
Dear Sir I must desire to put you in Mind that the last Time I had the honour to be in your Compagny I asked how H. E. Dr. Franklin did, when I Onderstood of his beeing Subject to the Stone, Than I forbeard to enlarge on this Topic as there were Ladies in the Room. But now I beg leave to informe you That I am akwainted with the means to Disolve The Stone at any Stage of the Complaint by Administrg. fisied Air got in less than Two Seconds and in great plenty by Salt of Tartar & the Vegetable Acid, Specially that of Lemmons: The Drauft is pleasant, Strenghtening and is when well made absolutely Air without Taste.
I claime no merit to This as a Nostrum of The Discovery of this friend to mankind we are indebted to English Kdill in Philosophie and Phisik: The remedy is innocent and ascertained by Experience upon my Own Bodie, and by the Cure of many Others.—
I offer to go myself to Philadelphia to Show the best methode to make and to take this Drauft if H. Exlly. will accept of my Services; and I will Think myself well paid for Trouble and Expencves if I can Contribute to preserve in health a Life So usefull and precious to America and to the Learned in all quarters of the Woreld.
I am with Respect, Dear Sir, your most Obdt humble Servent