From Landais
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Brest feby 17th 1779.

I have the honour to acquaint you that I recieved a letter from John Lotcher Mr of the Victoria one of the two Swedish Ships that I Sent to france to be Examined; he write me he arrived at Bas Island, nigh Morlaix, the 15th, that he had lost Sight of the Snow Anna louisa the other Ship, the night of the 6th in a fogg, and never Saw her Since.

I am waiting for your orders which I expect every moment by the return of Mr Winchship, whom I Sent you as an Express with the Paquets that I had to deliver you.

I am Your Excellency Most Obeidient humble Servant

P: Landais

His Excellency Benjamin Franklin
Endorsed: Capt. Landais Feb. 17. 79
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