To Abbés Chalut and Arnoux (unpublished)
Philadelphia October 19, 1787
Dear Friends,

I know that when I recommend a Friend to your Civilities, your Goodness esteems it a Favour. I therefore make no Difficulty of presenting to you the honourable Mr Pinckney, a Member of Congress for Carolina, and one of the late Convention which form’d the new federal Constitution for the United States, of which I have already sent you a Copy. He is a Gentleman of excellent Character, with whose Acquaintance you will be pleased. I thank you much for the Portrait of our Friend Mably. It is exceedingly like. With sincere Esteem, and grateful Remembrance of all your Kindness to me when I had the Happiness of being your Neighbour, I am,

Your most etc.


M. Messieurs Les Abbés Chalut et Arnauld [Arnoux].
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