My dear sir, J’ai pris la Balle au bond & have taken a much larger trip than I expected. I first went to Spa where I staid most part of the season in a very pleasant Manner; thence I went to Amsterdam, by way of Dusseldorff on account of the Gallery. the finest Collection of Pictures I ever saw, & after having indulged my self almost three Weeks with my Brother Lachaise, who desired to be Kindly remembered to you, I made Sail for old England from Helvoetsluys to Harwich. It is now a month since I landed & yet have Staid but a single afternoon at London having been all the While rambling from Wilton house to Bath Bristol & Dirham I am now at Brighthelmstone & at so short a distance from Dieppe that I must avail myself of it To inquire after your health that of your Grand father, to whom I beg you’ll present my best Respects, & make you the tender of my Services in this Good Country. Indeed it will afford me great pleasure to execute any Command of yours. As for my part I am in such raptures of all that I see in every respect, that I shall when I go, put all the London shops horses Carriages &ca. &ca. into Trunks & cases & so send them on to Paris.
Woemen are beautifull beyond all Descriptiom.
Your Grand father is made a great deal of in this Country also & I dare say would make many old friends happy by coming over. I shall do all I can to get myself introduced to your father when I go back to London which will not be for good & all before a Month or two, as I have to go first to the New Markett Races & to Bath again—Adieu my dear sir, command me in any thing I can do for you, but dont forgett intirely Your most obedt. & hbl. s