Benjamin Putnam to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Portsmouth Virga. Decr. 29th. 1783.
My dear Sir,

I have wrote you several times requesting you’d inform me whether or not any Appeal, by the french Appellant, has ever been lodg’d in the Admiralty, [?] from the Judgment of the Admy in Gaudeloupe, on the Subject of the Privateer Terrible this I am sensible, will give you more trouble than I could wish, but as it will be of so much Consequence [to] me as it may save me the time & Expence of a long voyage & it being also of so considerable a Consideration as 75,000 Livres I feel assur’d of your readiness to oblige me & that you’ll omit no oppertunity to inform me by Duplicates. If via Baltimore address to the Care of Messrs. Ridley & Pringle: If via Petersbourg to Messrs. Brown & Eustice, If to Norfolk or Portsmouth I am presant being settled here in the Merchantile & the two towns divided only by a River. If via Charlestown to Henry Putnam Merchant there. Pray remind his Excellency of my other Care as Peace again has tightened the Cares of Engagements I hope he will have Leasure to help me & not want a Disposition improve it to whom please present my most sincere Respects & believe me always your real Friend

Benj Putnam

nb. I have never heard from Mr. V Ridley—Peace & Plenty abound here onc more.


Willm. T. Franklin Esq.
Addressed: Willm. T. Franklin Esq / Secry. to his Excellency Doct. / Benj. Franklin Plenipo. / to the Court of France / Paris / Via London, Ship / Jolly York / 2d.
Notation: Putnam Benjamin Virga. Decr. 29. 1783—
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