From Landais
als: American Philosophical Society
Brest March 3d 1779
May it Please your Excellency

Mr Windship arrived So late the 28th of february that I had no Time to answer the last article of Yours of the 22d. I have no other orders or papers from the Hble Navy Board of Boston Promissing any one of the Ship Money but one of which herein is inclos’d a Copy; Mr Cottentin adgent Commrs. here had a translated one in french at my arrival here (of which I Suppose he Sent a Coppy to Mr Schweighausen adgent at Nantes) upon which order Mr Cottentin geve me the meney to pay the frenchmen but I have few more of the crew to whom the Same promisse was made.

I Shall be very glad to have the Hounble Adams a passanger beside the Honnour and Benefit of his company I Shall have an Eye Witness for to justify my futur cunduct as my former has had.

I Am waiting for Your Positive order and cannot Proceed to do any thing till I have receiv’d them.

I am with the Greatest Respect Your Excellency’s Most obeidient Most humble Servant

P: Landais

Doctor B. Franklin Minister Plenipotentiary to the united States
Addressed: To His Excellency / Benjamin Franklin Esqr. / Passy / near Paris
Endorsed: Capt Landais March. 3. 1779 With Copy of a Letter from the Navy Board—
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