I recd your kind Letter with a recipt in full of my account the Balance of Which was £23.19s.1d.? I thank you. I did not know that my Son Wrote you on the Subject, inconvient it is for me to pay that Sum, for I have Lost the whol produe of fouty years Close Application to Business in Our public funds, I ? about Six thousand pound and meeting with other Grate Losses I was Oblig’d to Sell my notes for more then four thousand pound Sterling less then they Cost me though I believe my Lot in life has been Superer to of mankind. Therefore I am to bless God and be thankful and with pations wait his disposal. I have Lived 70 years and Injoy’d good helth and great plenty and still have prime helth which is better then Money tho’ that is very Convient in Old Age. I am free from pain and I most Sincerely wish it was your Case. However when the Tooth is drawn the pain will go with it.
Aunt Mecom is well for her Age. She is Intitled to every ade and Assistence in Our power and shall Niver [want?]t it. There niver was an Angree or Cross word that [I] remember pass between us and I trust niver will. My Wife Joines (tho She is now Sick in bed) in Duty and Love to You and your famley. Bilive me Ever Your Dutifull Nephew