I have received your kind Favours of 19 Inst. I am realy surprized M Cht. should be against me & am at a Loss to conceive his motive. I do not directly owe him a sol, & am ignorant of his being one of my Creditors under any other name. The only possible way I can think him concerned, is with Bernier & Co., the whole of this debt is but 18000 Livres and I dare say M Cht. cannot be more than 1 of 6 Interressés.—But if he was realy my Creditor his own Interest ought to lead him to assist in obtaining rather than to oppose my Arrêt, & if he is not one—Grand Dieu! peut on prendre du plaisir a faire du mal.—I need not send you a Copy of my State at present, before it can reach you my arrêt either will or will not be obtained & if by next Tuesday or Wednesday at farthest I have not reason to be Satisfied about it, in 48 hours afterwards I will be with you. The Idea of my giving the Slip is abominable, and I did not think there was a man in France who knew me & would entertain it a moment.
I must not trouble you further at present the next Letters from you will decide whether I set off for Paris or not I am as ever my dear Billy most sincerely & affectionately Yours