Jonathan Williams, Jr. to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Nantes Feb. 24. 1780
my dear Billy

I thank you for your Favour of the 18th Inst. with part of the Bills returned. I am obliged to you also for informing about the False Report of my uncles being in London. To prove to you that he is with me I send you a Letter inclosed from himself & I beg of you to destroy this Report for the existince of such an injurious Suspicion must be to him & me very prejudicial I am in haste very sincerely & affectionately ever yours

JWilliams J

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monr / William Franklin fils / a l’hotel de M. Franklin / Ministre Plenipotentiaire / des Etats Unis a Passy / prés Paris.
Notation: M. Williams Nantes feb. 24. 1780.
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