I cannot omit this opportunity of transmitting to you by a Courier of the Embassador of France, the agreable and interesting Intelligence contained in the enclosed News Paper. A Boston Paper of the 1st. March mentions the arrival there of some french Gentlemen from New port, who say that The Fleet from hence to Chessapeake had returned after having taken the Ro-mulus of 44. Guns & some other Prizes, & destroyed the Remainder of Arnold's Convoy except some small Vessels which found Shelter in Shallow Creeks. They also reported that Arnold's Retreat had been cut off. For my own part, I expect he has been relieved by Vessels from New York. The Count De Montmorin has by his active Endeavours to relieve me from Money Embarrassments given such decided proof of Friendship for us, & I am not only so well content with his Conduct, but feel myself so agreably obliged by it, that I must beg the Favour of you to express to Count de Vergennes my Sentiments on this Subject. With sincere Regard & Esteem, I am dear Sir, Your obliged & afft. Servant