Josiah Quincy: Memorial to the Pennsylvania Assembly
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754-1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 80-1.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1755.

To the Honourable House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, now sitting in Philadelphia.


I am extreamly sorry to find, that notwithstanding all the Motives and Arguments I was able to offer his Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, he did not see his Way clear to give his Consent to the Money-Bill you have laid before him.

The Chearfulness with which you therein granted Ten Thousand Pounds, for victualling the Forces, intended to march from NewEngland to secure his Majesty’s Territories, leaves me no Room to doubt your Zeal for his Majesty’s Service, or your hearty Concurrence with the Government I have the Honour to represent, in the Measures now proposed for our common Safety: And therefore, though you are unhappily disappointed in the Manner of your Grant, I flatter myself you will not fail to find some other Means of rendering it effectual.

The Advantages which a speedy and vigorous Execution of those Measures promises to all the Colonies, and the Mischiefs which a Neglect of them will intail upon us and our Posterity, are clearly pointed out, and fully illustrated in the Papers which have been the Subject of your late Deliberations.

In rendering this important Service to the Crown, to the British Nation, and to their Fellow Subjects in the other Governments, New-England offers to spend her Treasure as freely as her Blood, and were her Abilities equal to her Zeal, would as chearfully bear the whole Expence, as she undertakes the whole Hazard of the Enterprize. But the vast yearly Charge she is subjected to, by her Vicinity to the French, and the Necessity of defending so extensive a frontier from the Incursions of those perfidious People, and their Indians, both in Time of Peace and War, has so exhausted her Finances, and burdened her with such a Load of Debt, that without the Assistance of the neighbouring more wealthy Colonies, she must drop the Design, however promising and glorious, as utterly impracticable.

Happy will your Province be, Gentlemen, if you can still keep those dangerous People at a Distance from your Borders, by which you will be free from the many Mischiefs we have always suffered by their Neighbourhood.

The Opportunity is now offered you, and, if embraced, will, by the Blessing of God, secure your future Peace and Prosperity. But whatever you do, should be determined instantly, for the Season flies, and a Delay may be as pernicious as a Refusal.

I have just received Advice, that Connecticut has voted Fifteen Hundred Men, and that even the little Government of Rhode-Island has granted Four Hundred, the Expence of which will be more than is ask’d of you. New-York seems heartily disposed to do her Part; and there is Reason to think that your good Example may have an advantageous Influence on your Neighbours of New-Jersey.

I need say no more to urge you to a speedy and effectual Resolution, but conclude, with the utmost Respect, Gentlemen, Your most humble and obedient Servant,

Josiah Quincy

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