I the underwritten, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of France have perused the Procès Verbal or Examination on Oath of Richard Hooper, an Hostage or Ransomer, had before the honourable Judges of the Admiralty at Morlaix the 24th of July 1779, relating to the Taking and Ransom of the Vessel called the three Sisters, Captain George Hooper of Biddeford in England by the Black Prince, Captain Merchant, on the of June last; which Capture appears to me, from the said Procès verbal, to be a good and lawful Prize, being taken from the Enemies of the said United States, by Virtue of a Commission from their Congress. And I do therefore pray the Judges of the said Court, that the said Hostage Richard Hooper may be securely detained until the Ransom. Money is paid for which he stands engaged. At Passy, this Day of