I did myself the Pleasure to write You the 15th Current to which refer. Agreeable to my Promise I yesterday saw Capt. Spain of the Chalkley and communicated to Him the Contents of your Favor, this Morning at the Coffee House He delivered Me his Terms in Writing Viz.
Capt. Spain of the New Ship Chalkley is intended to leave Bristol in about 14 Days. In consideration of so many Passengers offering togather Capt. Spain will accept of the Following Terms, The Mony to be paid before Sailing Vizt. For the two Lads of 13 and 15 Years of age Eight Pounds each and Ten pounds each for all others to be accomodated in the Cabin with the best of Ships Provisions, but as its Customary out of this Port the Passengers must lay in what they chuse at their own Expence. The Ship Chalkley being particularly well furnish’d with double State Rooms and other Conveniences, Steerage Passengers at £6 each provided with all Necessarys, and Ships Provisions.
This Sir is what Capt. Spain deliverd to Me in Writing which I transmit for Your Government. Be assured I am Sir in every of your Commands at your Service and nothing will give Me greater Pleasure than to have frequent Opportunitys to Convince You how much I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant